Teeth Whitening Galveston, TX

Keeping our teeth their whitest is harder than it sounds. Coffee, wine, smoking, and foods that can stain our teeth daily. Even proper maintenance sometimes leaves them a little lackluster. Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental treatment to restore the natural color of your teeth in our Galveston, TX office. We can make your teeth whiter than their natural color with professional whitening treatment.

Teeth Whitening in Galveston, TX

Causes of Tooth Discoloration

There are multiple reasons why you can develop tooth stains and discoloration: 

  • Foods and drinks: Deeply pigmented foods and beverages, like red wine, soy sauce, and tomato sauces, can stain your teeth.
  • Tobacco use: Smoking, vaping, or using other tobacco products can turn teeth yellow. The nicotine in tobacco products dyes the tooth enamel.
  • Dental trauma: A dental injury can change the color of a tooth. Hits to the tooth can damage the blood vessels in the tooth chamber, which can change tooth color. Tooth chips or cracks can also uncover the dentin in the tooth.
  • Aging: Over time, the outer layer of the tooth, called the tooth enamel, wears away. This uncovers the darker underlayer called dentin.

Am I a Candidate for Tooth Whitening Treatment?

We will examine your smile before the teeth whitening treatment. Our office will take dental X-rays to find signs of tooth decay and gum disease. These problems can affect your dental health.

We will recommend teeth whitening if you are in good oral health but want to change the appearance of your teeth. 

Take-Home Teeth Whitening in Galveston, TX

We use tray whitening system Opalescence to whiten teeth. You can receive your take-home whitening trays in two office visits. During your first visit, we will make a dental impression. With this impression, we’ll craft custom whitening trays that you can use repeatedly.

You will return to our office, where we will provide whitening trays and whitening gel. At home, you will first brush and floss your teeth. Then, you will take the whitening gel and put it in the trays.

We will provide instructions on how long to wear your whitening trays daily. These instructions are customized to your sensitivity and your desired results. Take-home whitening can change the shade of your teeth by four to eight shades.

Teeth Whitening FAQs

Do you have questions about teeth whitening treatment? Well, we have answers to some of the most commonly asked questions.

Can teeth whitening cause damage to tooth nerves?

When implemented properly, teeth whitening is generally safe and doesn’t harm the nerves. However, overusing whitening products or using too strong ones can increase tooth sensitivity. We suggest following your dentist’s guidelines and not exceeding the recommended usage to avoid issues.

Does teeth whitening work on tetracycline stains?

Tetracycline stains are deep discolorations caused by certain antibiotics taken during tooth development. Standard whitening treatments often have limited success on these stains. In such cases, alternatives like veneers or bonding might be more effective in achieving a brighter smile.

How often can I whiten my teeth?

It’s usually safe to whiten your teeth once a year. Over-whitening can cause sensitivity and enamel damage. We can recommend a schedule that’s appropriate for your teeth.

How long does teeth whitening last for smokers?

For smokers, teeth whitening results often fade more quickly, sometimes lasting only a few months. Smoking introduces new stains that can discolor your teeth faster. To prolong the brightness, consider cutting back on smoking and keep up with good oral hygiene.

What if I experience severe sensitivity or discomfort after whitening?

If you experience severe sensitivity or discomfort after whitening, stop the treatment and contact a dentist. They can assess your teeth and recommend solutions to ease the pain. Using toothpaste for sensitive teeth or applying fluoride gels might help reduce the discomfort. We may also suggest alternative whitening methods that are gentler on your teeth.

Will teeth whitening work on dental crowns or fillings?

No, whitening agents don’t affect crowns, fillings, or veneers. They only work on natural tooth enamel. If you have restorations, you may need to replace them to match your whitened teeth.

Brighten Your Smile

Receive teeth whitening treatment in Galveston, TX, today. Call 409-235-0789 or schedule a dental appointment with us online. Please let us know if you have questions about teeth whitening at Broadway Dental. We’re here to answer your questions.